Join Your State Team for the 2021 NAEYC Public Policy Forum!

Dear Georgia Members,

Your voice is needed! Join the movement for high-quality early childhood education by registering to participate in NAEYC’s 2021 Public Policy Forum today!

As your state team leader, I am proud to coordinate a group from Georgia to bring our expertise and commitment to Washington, D.C. Whether you’re an experienced advocate or a brand-new educator, we welcome all of your voices and hope you will join us from February 28 – March 1, 2021 for NAEYC’s first ever Virtual Public Policy Forum.



As a 2021 Public Policy Forum participant, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Be part of a powerful team working to advance federal and state early childhood policy

  • Hear from national and state policy leaders and fellow advocates

  • Get the resources and experiences you need to sharpen your advocacy skills

  • Learn about new tools, strategies, and tactics to try in your own state and community

  • Build critical relationships on Capitol Hill with members of Congress and their staff



  • Monday February 22nd

    • 5-6:00 PM: GAEYC Virtual Meet & Greet with the Georgia Team

  • Sunday February 28

    • 1-4:00 PM NAEYC virtual experience with expert policy briefings, guest speakers, and skill-building breakout sessions, providing many opportunities for networking and learning. 

    • 5-6:00 PM: Check-In and Hill Visit Prep.  (this one is required by NAEYC and they have materials for it )

  • Monday, March 1

    • 1-4:00 PM NAEYC virtual experience with expert policy briefings, guest speakers, and skill-building breakout sessions, providing many opportunities for networking and learning. 

  • Monday, March 8th

    • 5-6:00 PM Follow Up/Opportunities to stay engaged, On Sunday, February 28 and Monday, March 1, you will participate in a range of expert policy briefings, guest speakers, and skill-building breakout sessions, providing many opportunities for networking and learning. 



The fee to attend the 2021 Public Policy Forum is $100/person, which includes all three days of the event, from the start at 1:00 pm ET on Sunday through the end of Hill Day (in late afternoon) on Tuesday! 



As State Team Leader, I am responsible for coordinating our state team. Please contact me directly at to request an online registration link. 


Since this is a members-only event, we encourage you to recruit a diverse group of your friends, colleagues, and partners who work in all early childhood settings to become NAEYC members and join your state team. Now is the perfect time! 

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact me directly or email NAEYC at You can also check NAEYC’s website to find more information.

Every day, you work to prepare our next generation of leaders, supporting children, families, educators, and communities. We know exactly why an investment in early childhood education matters—and why early childhood educators are the key to success. And it is our job to make sure our elected officials know it too. 

I look forward to working together!



Jessica Woltjen, State Team Lead

GAEYC Public Policy Chair


GAEYC is Hiring!


Southern Conference On Children at Georgia Southern University