Blazing a Path for Emerging Leaders
A Year of Focus on Leadership Wellness
Community Resilience Model with Resilient Georgia
Saturday November 5
Registration: $0 Thanks to our sponsor
ECE Policy Action Network
Tuesday November 15, 2023
Open to All
NAEYC Annual Conference
November 16-19, 2022 in Washington, DC
Equity Fellows
November 2022 to May 2023
Organizational Leadership and Wellness with Dr. Gloria Cisse
January 28, 2023 date to be confirmed
Virtual, 3 BFTS Hours
Día de desarrollo profesional en español
con capacitación para bebés y niños pequeños, capacitación sobre liderazgo y bienestar con la profesional clínica de salud mental Josephina Bates
February Date TBD,
Virtual, 4 BFTS Hours
NAEYC Public Policy Forum
February 27 from 1:30 - 4:30 pm &
February 28 from 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Virtual, 6 BFTS Hours
SECA Annual Conference
March 2 -4, 2023
Chattanooga, TN
6 BFTS Hours
Leadership Strategies for Supporting Children's Social Emotional Development and Addressing Challenging Behavior (pyramid model) with Doug Bell
March 11
ECE Policy Action Network: Preparing your Proclamation for Week of the Young Child
March 16, 2023
Week of the Young Child
April 1-7, 2023
Clinician AND ECE Director: Here is How I Operate with Dr. Erica Chapman
April 2023
Virtual, 3 BFTS hours
ECE Policy Action Network
Infant Toddler Training
Leadership Cafes
Dates and times TBD
Café de Líderazgo
Fecha por determinar
Weekly Informal Meetings
Wednesdays @1pm
Programming pauses for the months of July and August for planning except for the Weekly Informal Meeting.
With a theme titled, Blazing a Path for Emergent Leaders, GAEYC’s 2022-2023 year will focus on building leadership capacity in early childhood education professionals. Blazing a Path for Emergent Leaders is a theme that is inclusive of educational leaders at all levels in their career (such as teachers, recently promoted and seasoned school leaders, instructional coaches, school owners, and policy-makers). With such a multi-faceted approach to identifying and building leadership skills, GAEYC’s professional development calendar includes a wide range of topics that will help leaders at all levels add to their own leadership “toolkits”.
Join GAEYC as we embark on this mission to help all young children in Georgia reach their fullest potential. Become a part of our community to connect with others to achieve this mission and increase public awareness of the importance of leadership within early childhood education. Together we can make progress towards the improvement of the quality of programs for young children, and provide the best practices for learning and leadership.