Equity Fellows

The Leading for Equity Fellows Program supports 25 GAEYC members in a 6-month series of online meetings and professional development (BFTS approved trainings) that include materials developed by the National Equity Project (NEP) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Free for GAEYC members. Registration is now open for the December to April 2023 Program.

GAEYC developed the Leading for Equity Fellows Program:

  • to cultivate a group of leaders connected to high quality training that ties the study of equity into practice and policy in Georgia.

  • to expand the number of people having discussions about equity in early childhood education in Georgia.

  • for professionals to build awareness of and hone skills about the different places we can apply equitable practices (classroom, community, professional development, state policy, national policy).

  • to document the voices of members and nonmembers for planning purposes.

  • to support actions to make changes in programs and at the systems level.

The Fellows meet monthly from December to April.